I visited a number of machine shops recently and made many phone calls. Mostly these places don't want to modify existing parts; they want to construct from line drawings. In the hundreds. No one is interested in shrinking rods; no one wants to plate down bearing bores or make adaptors - except by the hundred. No one has any leads for me.
I expect better results from engine builders. I will query them shortly. They tend to be snmaller and specialze by the engine. I expect bore reduction; shrunk rods; and one-way breathers in the cam caps. We'll see.
Rods from CP-Crallio are around $850 a pair; from Falicon they are around $750. My thinking is that "shrunk" rods would be sugnificantly less costly. I just need to find someone to do it and willing to waranty their product.
I expect better results from the powder coater/ceramic coater. There is a big one near here. Unfortunately I am told that they are not cheap. We may explore other avenues. Ceramic plating has no substitute so we will still deal will them some. As soon as I can get some samples down to them; I'll post some prices: ceramic combustion chanbers and valve heads; exhaust ports. Maybe case interiors and exhausts. Be patient. I'm working on all this.